Mental Clarity

How do we find peace in a chaotic and (dare I say) manic world?
How do we focus our over-stimulated minds?

Let’s face it: we’re bombarded by information constantly! We can’t escape the inevitable “ding” of notification. You may have just received one telling you I posted! It’s madness that is driving us to move madness. And yet… we love it. I LOVE feeling connected to the world around me. I get excited when something new chimes in my newsfeed.

Honesty time: its too much. We have to take breaks from it. I sometimes laugh when I see people post on social media “Taking a break from all the negativity!” but really, I get it…I just don’t understand the need to declare it. Make it easy on yourself and just go off the internet grid! Just do it! If people are concerned, they will call, text, snap, send messages, heck we do still have a postal system or I’ll take smoke signals or carrier pigeons cause that shows some serious dedication! Problem solved!

We can’t make it that easy for ourselves however, so I put together a few suggestions for getting that oh-so important vacation for mental clarity.

1) Unplug
Take time away from social media, TV, even cell phones. I LOVE taking cruises because my cell becomes brick that tells times and maybe lets me read a book. Our glorious cell phones even have a DO NOT DISTURB option in which you can PICK who can reach you. Pretty sure the creator of that idea had a mother like mine who will call every ambassador she could think of if you are unreachable. I think I still owe an apology or two to local law enforcement… I digress.
Just taking a little time, even a few hours, away from all of it can do wonders. Seriously my friend, try it. Just warn your mama first.

2) Spend some time in nature.
The world is never 100% quiet and thats ok, neither are your thoughts. Take a walk, find a hammock (my personal favorite) or just sit and soak up some fresh air. I can tune out just about anything if I’m chilling by a pool or a lake. It’s tempting to turn on music and that might be great but try 30 minutes at least of silence. Let yourself become reoriented with the world we’ve been blessed with.

3) Meditate
Yes, it can feel awkward. My dad would call it “hippie-dippy” but DUDE. Five to ten minutes of calm, introspective thoughts and deep breathing can shed some serious stress. I’m no yogi (wish I was) and my flexibility is crap but I’ll go through the “cool down” poses to help relax. No audience required, just a soft spot to land.

I mean it, find a soft spot… its not just my flexibility that’s crap, my balance is embarrassing.

4) Write
Doesn’t matter what you write about, just let the thoughts OUT. Set them free! Verbal vomit all over your paper or keyboard! (You’re welcome for that mental image)
Trash or delete it when you’re done if you want to forget about it. Just do something with all those thoughts that are clouding up your brain.

5 Hit Something
Notice: I said SOMETHING not SOMEONE. For real, don’t go running around beating people and tell them I told you to do it.
I love love love my heavy bag. I can kick, punch, swear when I fall down, whatever happens happens and I can let loose! I’ve even been known to growl at it. Y’all, I’m not even playing, you will feel SO.MUCH.BETTER.
It’s exercise and we all know how endorphins make us feel (thank you Legally Blonde!).


We don’t all decompress the same way. Find things that work for you. Share them with me in the comments or email, I could probably use some of your techniques.
