A Little Manic

I hate mornings.

Seriously, not my thing at all. I am not the bright-eyed, sparkling creature that I dream of becoming. I would love to tell you that I bounce out of bed, throw on my running shoes and hit the pavement.

Nope. Hard Pass.

I would also love to say that I am super happy with my body, love to exercise and eat healthy.

Negative Ghost Rider.

That being said, in the grand scheme to better myself and possibly encourage all my lovely readers to do the same, I set my alarm for 5:30 AM in hopes of a quick run with the pups.

Introducing Sven (boxer/beagle), Ziva (German Shepherd mix) and yours truly (tiny little manic woman)
Sven… he’s a little weirdie but loving

Instead, I woke up closer to 8:45 AM with the dogs leaving me presents (unwanted homemade presents if you get my drift) that needed my attention. Talk about a bad way to start a Monday. Thankfully its my day off!

I didn’t give up though. Sure it was too hot to take the dogs for that run but I could still get things accomplished.

*side note, Texas pavement means paw burns if its past 8 in the morning. If you can’t walk barefooted, neither can they!

So I thought to myself : “Self. Today is the day you start that blog. You can do it.”

No, its not how I wanted to start. I wanted to seem successful right from the get-go. But if there is one thing I can promise you I will always try to be, it’s honest. That being said, it took me the better part of the day to set up the super easy blog because I had an idea in my head of how my office needed to look first… yeah that didn’t happen. All I can say is that I tried!

Which left me boarder line discouraged and a little disappointed. And I can’t get my theme to download the way I wanted it to. And I had to shampoo the carpets instead of writing then enjoying a cup of coffee while I blissfully unpacked all my boxes into my new house.

Nope again.

Here’s the thing. We all have these great ideas of how our lives, even just our days, are supposed to go. But that’s not realistic. Nothing is ever going to go exactly as planned. If anything we should plan for the unplanned. I am a Type B personality working very hard to adapt into a Type A for organization. There’s some great things about being a Type B but staying on task is not a high point for us. But we can roll with the punches like Rocky or Ali.

So tomorrow I will try again for that run with the pups. I’ll explain my reasoning behind that Godforsaken wake-up call hour and “why oh why would I even be putting myself through this??” million dollar question in my next post.


Until Next Time,
